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Yarn Namespace

Contains classes for working with compiled Yarn programs.


Name Description
BaseVariableStorage An abstract class that implements convenience methods for converting values to instances of Value.
Dialogue Co-ordinates the execution of Yarn programs.
DialogueException An exception that is thrown by Dialogue when there is an error in executing a Program.
FunctionInfo Represents a function in a Library.
Instruction An instruction in a Yarn Program.
Instruction.Types Container for nested types declared in the Instruction message type.
Library A collection of functions that can be called from Yarn programs.
MemoryVariableStore A simple concrete subclass of BaseVariableStorage that keeps all variables in memory.
Node A node, contained within a Program, and containing Instructions.
Operand A value used by an Instruction.
Program A compiled Yarn program.
Value A value from inside Yarn.


Name Description
Command A command, sent from the Dialogue to the game.
Line A line of dialogue, sent from the Dialogue to the game.
OptionSet A set of OptionSet.Options, sent from the Dialogue to the game.
OptionSet.Option An option to be presented to the user.


Name Description
Dialogue.CommandHandler Represents the method that is called when the Dialogue delivers a Command.
Dialogue.DialogueCompleteHandler Represents the method that is called when the dialogue has reached its end, and no more code remains to be run.
Dialogue.LineHandler Represents the method that is called when the Dialogue delivers a Line.
Dialogue.NodeCompleteHandler Represents the method that is called when the Dialogue reaches the end of a node.
Dialogue.OptionsHandler Represents the method that is called when the Dialogue delivers an OptionSet.
Function Represents a function that can be called from Yarn programs.
Logger Represents a method that receives diagnostic messages and error information from a Dialogue.
ReturningFunction Represents a function that can be called from Yarn programs that returns a function.


Name Description
Dialogue.HandlerExecutionType Used as a return type by handlers (such as the Dialogue.LineHandler) to indicate whether a Dialogue should suspend execution, or continue executing, after it has called the handler.
Instruction.Types.OpCode The type of instruction that this is.
Operand.ValueOneofCase Enum of possible cases for the “value” oneof.
Value.Type The type of a Value.


Name Description
VariableStorage Provides a mechanism for storing and retrieving instances of the Value class.